Form, Function, and Flow Lab uses Class IV Laser Therapy - a non invasive and safe form of laser therapy. Using painless high-intensity laser therapy to initiate various healing functions at the cellular level, this therapy enhances circulation, boosts immune response, and promotes the healthy healing of injured or damaged tissue.
By using a scientific method called photobiomodulation, laser therapy achieves these beneficial cellular changes.
We opt for laser therapy as a natural healthcare approach to reduce the need for surgery, injections, or drugs for treatment and relief.
Class IV laser therapy is non-invasive and does not burn or cut through the skin, as it works through photochemical action rather than the thermal action of surgical lasers. Most patients find the mild warming sensation of the laser quite pleasant and will likely notice positive effects almost immediately after a treatment. However, for long-term pain relief and effective injury healing, we recommend multiple visits.
KDT High Intensity Laser Therapy delivers significantly higher energy dosages compared to other lasers, resulting in much faster recovery for our patients. Our 60-Watt KDT Laser delivers 100 times more energy per minute than the strongest low-level cold lasers. This high intensity allows for deeper tissue penetration, effectively treating even the most challenging pathologies. Patients also appreciate the soothing warmth generated by the laser. Our system's adjustable power output and pulse mode enable us to treat a variety of conditions, including skin issues like shingles, burns, and open wounds. High Intensity Laser Therapy has been shown to improve range of motion, reduce pain, and inflammation.
Class IV laser therapy is particularly beneficial for pain relief. It effectively addresses inflammatory conditions such as muscle spasms, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and bursitis, as well as pain from damaged ligaments. This treatment is also useful for connective tissue disorders and injuries, including tendonitis, myofascitis, radicular pain, sprains, and effusion. By promoting tissue healing and reducing pain, laser therapy offers a non-invasive solution for many chronic and acute conditions. Ask your doctor today about how laser treatments can help alleviate your pain and improve your quality of life!