Interview with Dr. Kate Antoniotti - Chiropractor, Yoga Instructor, and Mamacore Founder

podcast Aug 08, 2021


Dr. Kate Antoniotti is a Chiropractor, a Yoga Instructor, and the Mamacore Founder. She runs Antoniotti Chiropractic and MamaCore Method in the Kalamazoo, Michigan area. In my recent interview with her, she talked about MamaCore and how her own postpartum experience led to her to create this amazing group of women helping other mommas who need to rehabilitate themselves, move, and nourish their body after giving birth. 


How MamaCore Started  

Dr. Kate Antionotti is a chiropractor and has a background in yoga. When she became a mom, she realized that there wasn’t a lot of guidance for women after they give birth. There also was not much support for mommas in their early postpartum season and this is what pushed her to create MamaCore. Dr. Kate Antionotti said that her program is rooted in Yoga, Pilates, and some influence from Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) principles to help mommas get back to how their body was before giving birth. The movements through MamaCore program helps the healing of our physical body and the community that MamaCore created rebuilds the village that mommas undergoing postpartum need. 

Dr. Kate Antionotti had her first baby in 2016 and she remembers feeling isolated and not knowing what it means for her body after she realized that her body feels different. She eventually started with continuing education classes to help mothers with their postpartum rehabilitation and healing. When her son was ten months old, because she knew she had the resources to help other moms, she hosted her first gathering at a small gym space that a patient of hers owned. They sat in a small circle and shared their birth stories.  After the meeting, she knew it was something that needed to exist. Now, they have become a large community and the MamaCore program is stronger than ever.


Where She Sees MamaCore In The Future 

Dr. Kate Antionotti is so passionate about MamaCore that she hopes to create a simple program for the moms who come to her practice. MamaCore takes the yoga flow and blends the postures to help the core and pelvic floor connection. 

She actually created levels for the MamaCore program. Level one is for moms who are less than six months postpartum. Level two is for moms who are less than one year postpartum. Level three is for moms who are more than a year postpartum. She created these for the specific needs of her patients. 

She hopes to continue doing these and do more by next year. 


Tips On Altering Their Yoga Practice Or Exercise 

Dr. Kate Antionotti alters the yoga practice and exercise of moms in postpartum through the MamaCore program. She usually tells her patients that MamaCore is the first step so the mom will know more about her body and the movements and positions she can do. The program also lets the moms know where they are in their healing journey so that they can return to the exercise of their choice. 

She works with a lot of moms who love yoga, marathon running, cross fit, and the like. However, she lets them understand that these are amazing to their bodies but only if their body is totally ready for it. She makes it a point to tell her patients that they can step into the next level, but only if they can maintain their breath and integrity of the posture of the different levels. 

Dr. Kate Antionotti further explains that she noticed in many cases that she has patients who returned to exercising with the mindset of aesthetics or losing weight and not just nourishing and healing their body are the moms who have severe back pain around one year postpartum or are suffering from other musculoskeletal injuries. This is because they moved their body too far, too fast. 

One of the pillars of the MamaCore program is actually taking things slow and giving moms the grace of the golden window of time to reset their physiology and support their health for the years to come. 


DNS In MamaCore 

DNS is one of the methods used and integrated in the MamaCore program much like what I use with patients in my office. Dr. Kate Antionotti said that this is very helpful because the movement and pattern of babies are helpful for adults, too. These movement patterns are what heal and strengthen babies, so having adults do it will have the same effect to some extent.



Final Thoughts

Women need to know that their body is incredible. They should know that they can improve their health going forward.  They should understand that the slower they move after giving birth, the faster they heal. I love what the other Dr. Kate is doing and it has a lot of parallels with the work that I do too. We are both chiropracrtors, yoga instructors, lovers of movement, and kindred spirits.  I love to see other people using yoga, movement, DNS, pilates to help restore post partum women to their full (non-continent) glory.

 If you want to reach out to Kate Antoniotti for the services she offers, you can reach out through her Mamacore Facebook page or her Antoniotti Chiropractic Facebook page. You can check out more about Mamacore here and through their Instagram page. 

If you have any questions, you can drop it in the comment section or you send me a message through Facebook or Instagram. I’d be happy to do another podcast about your questions. Also, if you want me to talk about something specific, let me know!

You can also check my TikTok account as I use the platform to educate viewers about movement, chiropractic education, yoga, pregnancy, and more! 

Thank you for listening and see you next week!